Rising Stars: Profiles Of Joshua Mensah And Jessica Quarshie

Bizz Africa 6:49 AM Rising Star

Jessica Quarshie cofounded J&J Cupcakes with her husband, Joshua Mensah, when they realized their friends loved the cupcakes they often shared during the Christmas festivities, and they haven’t looked back since then.

Jessica obtained her first degree in Accounting from the Wisconsin International University College, and currently works with Akfields Consult as an accounts associate.
Now working as an entrepreneur as well, she revealed that J&J Cupcakes started as a bakery retail shop, from which they produced delicious cupcakes at affordable prices.
It all began when they realized that requests for cupcakes were coming in even on non-festive days. They quickly transformed the idea into a business venture since they was literally no competitor in their vicinity.
Their target market eventually became people in and around Teshie. With the help of delivery services, they intend to reach as many people as possible. Joshua and Jessica are optimistic their business would grow into a profitable venture because the cupcakes are affordable and delicious.

Their strategy for funding is simple and ingenious; they contributed capital and plough it back into the business when they sell the finished product.
On the question of challenges, they admit that penetrating the market and reaching more customers remains an obstacle, but in the next five (5) years, they are optimistic J&J Cupcakes should be a known brand and sales would grow.
If J&J Cupcakes could get President Akufo-Addo’s attention, they would recommend that entrepreneurship should be encouraged across all levels of education.